Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Husband's Sanctified Stories, Men


The Conversion of the 'Well's' Infidel Husband :

During 1970-1980's, the neighborhood all heard the braking of glass,
busting down of the doors, domestic violence of Mr. Well's . . .

The southern idea of a Pentecostal family with a husband and father that
was both a drunk and a infidel, married to a God-fearing wife, was for her to continue the alter call prayers until he got his act together.

The back yard of the home, was a dual body mechanic shop, used
car sales operation, run in a residential neighborhood.

The empty beer cans were heaped in piles for all the property visitor's
to see, without straining a neck bone.

Year's went by . . . one day the testimony changed . . .

That Church service, was different.

In the door, came Mr. Well's with the his faithful wife.

The pews were open to receive a converted man.

Here is the testimony of the wife :

. . . As he beat me in the yard, I fell on the ground, the angel of the
Lord appeared and said, ' Wife, see that rock at your finger tips, I give
you permission to strike him. When you do, understand the strike will
kill him instantly. You are not responsible. '

. . . At that moment, the husband beating his wife, saw the angel and
fell out on the ground, in fear . . .

Here is the testimony of the infidel husband :

I looked up from the force of the angel knocking me to the ground, I
was trembling and cold sober in an instant.

I understood, if I did not subject myself, I was a dead man.

. . . Mr. Well's forced his car mechanics to shovel and bury all the
empty beer cans, now in a mountain stack, to figure out how to
dispose of the cans.

. . . The busted door frames, were repaired by carpenter's. Window
glass replaced. The forbidding of foul language sign was posted
at the shop.

. . . The three children now teenager's, had survived the nightmare.

The faithful Pentecostal mother and wife, understood that being
slain in the spirit, took on a new meaning for her newly converted

The wife told the Church, that her finger tips were so close to the
rock, and the minute of flashing option to strike with the rock, was
the minute a powerful force knocked her husband to the ground.
She said, 'How close I came, to taking the angel's offer, for all the
beatings and hell I had suffered' !

The End !

New, added April 14th, 2009

POST #14
Porn Addiction
His Word is life.

The light broke through for me when I came to the conclusion that the only thing left for me to do is to trust God that, if there is any deliverance, He would do it.

Yet, I still had to learn what He wanted me to learn. It means I had to co-operate. God does not deal with us haphazardly. He is a master craftsman. So He led me to repentance of judging people with bitterness inside. I also saw the futility of performance and reward based Christianity because I was helpless and powerless.

Casting myself upon his mercy was all I could do and trusting that He would do what His Word promises.

Brethren, deliverance came almost unobservedly but powerfully real. I just noticed what God was doing. The contrast between compulsive bondage and being ‘normal’ is so vast that only those who go through it will know.

The Holy Spirit taught me things which I never really grasped although I knew it as head knowledge. These are:

Faith in the Gospel brings an eternal incorruptible spiritual change in our lives. It is the life of Jesus Christ mediated into us by the Spirit. A regeneration has taken place. A spiritual rebirth according to the indestructible life of Jesus our Lord. A miraculous ‘merging’(espousal) takes place where Christ is in us and we in Him, for ever. We are children of the living God.

All this and endlessly more is ours and we didn’t have to lift a finger to deserve it. Faith is merely knowing this and trusting that it is eternally true. He died for us and worked a perfect salvation and loved us before we even knew Him. Faith in Jesus honours God and works atonement. We are eternally set right with God.

The greatest in all this is that our salvation is fully accomplished and done. No one can add to it and no one can take it away from us, for ever. We are COMPLETE in Him. This needs to sink in. All we lack is knowledge of what we really have received already. And it’s all there in Scripture.

So to all Christians who struggle. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling inferior or as a failure because Jesus in us is not inferior or a failure. He gives rest from our works. We don’t have to perform or compare ourselves to other Christians and try to keep up with anyone’s workrate. God loves you, yes, you. Try and see the suffering Lord walking this earth with you in mind. See Him suffering and enduring agony with purpose. The purpose is your salvation.

I know it sounds all nice and fine for someone who is not in the dungeons. But hope comes from the hopeful to help the hopeless. I was there not long ago and am proof that God delivers. He will deliver you.

In your chest beats the very heart of Christ spiritually. He has given Himself utterly to you and for you. He is perfection within you. The new creation, made after the image of God in Christ. The flesh and natural man is where doubts, weakness, unbelief live. I say you will experience blessings if you take the confidence and courage to believe all is true in you and it is not something which still needs to take place. It is a finished and accomplished fact. Regeneration is by faith in Jesus and it has already taken place in you. I challenge you to confidently believe this as this will bring you into the rest promised to us by God. Confident trust in His goodness honors Him and it will not fail. Any hope in plans or human strategies will disappoint.

Obviously the Lord has helped us many times without us even trusting Him, but I have no doubt He wants us to consciously believe in Him, trust Him and rest in His love for us.

All God’s children in bondage: You can confidently declare: My Father will bring me through this. My deliverance and victory is not to be attained, it is done. Jesus our Saviour took care of it all. Through all this He will bring me forth clean and safe. This is the truth.

All honour and thanks and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.


1 comment:

Bill said...

This looks like a photo of me 28 years ago, when I accepted Jesus as my Lord & Savior. A long story short, I threatened to throw the TV in the driveway because my wife was watching Christian TV. One day in church, the invitation was made. I just stood up. My life hasn't been the same since that day. Jesus is always watching!